Sunday, April 17, 2011

Him and Me

We start school on Tuesday! Spring term is just 2 days away and we cannot wait. Tomorrow we are picking up our books and tackling the financial aid office (always an ordeal). I've been bumming around for so long that I'm so excited to have a life with a schedule again.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is for someone to be on a diet without a schedule? It's practically impossible. Which is why I've gained weight :)

Today is my first day back on my diet. I've gotta get swimsuit ready. And tan. You know why?

Because I got the internship at Disney World. That's why!

I report to Disney September 7th and find out where I'm living, meet my roommates, meet my instructors, find out more about my position there... SO MUCH!

Yes, I said roommates. Bryce is not going with me. He will be staying in Idaho, keeping our apartment for us, and being a full time student. He knows he's going to be "bored" without me (so cute) but he is planning on taking a very full load of classes to keep him really busy and make the time go faster.

I'm trying to do the same thing. Disney offers classes that colleges can count as credit and you can take up to 9 credits. If BYUI accepts those credits, then I'm going to take an additional 3 credits of BYUI online classes to reach the minimum 12 credits for a full time student, allowing me to receive financial aid while I'm working in Florida. Cross your fingers that everything will go through properly.

As if me being gone for 4 months wasn't hard enough on our marriage, Bryce is leaving in June to Oregon to do his summer job at the berry company. This means, as of June Bryce and I will not be living together until January 2012. We know we can do it because the financial relief his job brings is worth the time apart and the opportunity I have to work in Florida is one that doesn't come around every day.

Are we crazy? Maybe. But I also think we're crazy enough to pull it off.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Him and Me

Getting ready to register! I can't wait to get back into the classroom and kick some serious butt. And to do it with Bryce will be so much fun. We're already planning on studying hardcore together on campus every day. We've even picked out places where we want to do homework. HA!

It's such a pleasant change of pace to see both Bryce and I motivated in school. We've been at such a stand-still these last 3ish years. But now we're on to bigger and better things.

We have appointments today with our academic advisers - hopefully they can help us figure out our mess of transfer credits.

I register tomorrow morning and Bryce registers for classes next week. I can't wait!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Him and Me

We got our tax returns! $4700 direct deposited into our bank account. Not too shabby for a return, considering we don't have spawn to assist in getting a hefty sum. We've learned to work the system by claiming O on our W2's and checking "Married but withhold at a higher single-rate". We get smaller pay checks, but we can live with that and get a fatty check later.

Bryce has been wanting a new bed for about a year now and I've been wanting shoes. So we decided that a bed was probably a smart thing to purchase with the money. We found a pillow top memory foam king size bed and box springs for a grand total of $800, including tax and delivery. Great deal! It's amazingly comfortable and QUIET! Our last bed would squeak if you rolled over or got out of bed. Now I can sneak off the mattress without waking Bryce or the kids. I now have to wake them up to go to the bathroom instead of them hearing me get up. It's so cute too. They love it. They also don't toss and turn as much. We're all benefiting from this purchase.

Bryce and I have joined our ward bowling team and are actually pretty good. We've got to win 3 more games and then we're in the Championships and might even get the grand prize of... T-SHIRTS! LOL. Not that exciting, but bragging rights none the less. Last week we went bowling with Ashley and Caleb Eggbert and I bowled my best game ever. So good, in fact, that I have a print-out of our scores up on the fridge. I bowled a whopping 171, and won myself a new pair of shoes that should arrive this weekend or early next week. We have actually been bowling so often and doing so well (always bowling over 100) that Bryce has decided (and I couldn't be more thrilled) that I need to have my very own pair of bowling shoes. The next time we're in Idaho Falls, we're going to go shopping for some. I'm so excited. Now all we need is our own bowling balls and matching bowling shirts with our names embroidered on them.

Valentines Day wasn't too long ago. It wasn't what we had planned because Bryce was sick. I decided to do a bedroom picnic. We ordered Chinese food, bought some sparkling cider and Rocky Road ice cream and watched Animal House. It was a nice relaxing evening. Too bad Bryce wasn't feeling better because I had made amazing reservations at a high-end restaurant in Idaho Falls back in January. I still want to go... maybe St. Patrick's Day?

Anyway, the kids are at the vet and Bryce and I are enjoying the house deserted and quiet for a change.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Him and Me

5 years ago today I married my best friend. Happy Anniversary honey, I love you more than I can express.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's been forever! We're settled into Rexburg now and doing well. I recieved my midterm grades and have proven that I'm the best student I've ever been. Took me long enough!

"Them" have their own blog now! Heavens, they grow up so fast. If you wanna follow what B&B have to say check them out at

Life is good. Our 5 year anniversary is this Friday. We're seeing Extravadance and then going out to dinner. We decided not to get eachother gifts this year because we're going to Hawaii after Thanksgiving. I guess Hawaii is a big enough gift. LOL.

Saturday is my 26th birthday! WOOHOO. I'm rapidly approaching 30. I guess I'll just have to be thirty, flirty, and thriving. I have a big day planned, starting with a trip to the salon to get my hair colored and maybe a facial and some waxing. In the evening we're going out with a big group of friends to Gringos Mexican Restaurant (cause it's time to splurge on some major yummy calories) and then bowling at Fat Cats. Bryce has something up his sleeve... he keeps trying to convince me to have my gift early. I refuse because I want something to open on my birthday. He's trying to be sneaky but I think I've figured out what he's bought me. I predict *ahem* that he has purchased me a work-out machine of some sort. He says I'm wrong... but that could easily be a ploy to sway me. Not budging. We'll just have to wait until Saturday to see.

Bryce's application for BYU-I is finally in! Took us long enough! There were some hold-ups with OSU sending his transcript over but we got everything squared away and now we're just waiting. I'm sure it's an "accepted" letter because he has a better GPA than I, but that doesn't make the waiting less nerve-racking.

One of my classes is Family History... Who know doing family history research could be so addicting? I can easily spend HOURS on campus researching my relatives. I hear people say all the time that they don't need to do their genealogy because their parents or grandparents have done it... This is so freaking wrong. It is never done! Is it on Has their temple work been done? Do you know every detail about them? Are you relying on someone else? When in the scriptures does it say to rely on someone else to do the work for you? Exactly. I want to encourage anyone who reads this to do their own family history; whether it's going through the temple for family, putting the family's genealogy on the church's website, finding pictures, etc. It can be done and needs to be done. Your family is waiting for you to get off your butt and help them obtain the blessings you already have. SO DO IT.

LOL! Was that too harsh? I hope so... The Holy Ghost is soft spoken and easily overlooked. So I'm helping him out.

I've got a lot of work to do before the Thanksgiving break and our trip to Hawaii... but all the hard work will make Hawaii that much more rewarding.

Also, on an exciting note, I'm an aunt again. Carson William Smith was born on November 1st, 2010. Christi and Jeff are so excited to have him and I'm sure Britain will be a great older brother. But it will be hard on him, I'm sure.

Off to class. Time to learn about Eternal Marriage. This week's topic: Finances. STAYING OUT OF DEBT. I love these lessons!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Him and Me

We just got back from our ward's Halloween party! I went as a witch (my costume never changes from year-to-year) and Bryce went as his cute self.

There was a photo area at the party so once I get my hands on that picture that was taken of us I'll post it.

Time to study for an accounting test tomorrow.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Him, Me, and Them


We're in Rexburg. Been here since Sept. 4th. So nice to be a student again. I am way more dedicated to completing my education this time around... like I grew up or something.

I also love our new ward. I've made so many new friends in the 2 weeks we've been here and I'm loving to know girls that get me and not thinking I'm some freak.

Cleansing party with the girls is in tomorrows future! LOL!