Friday, November 12, 2010

Him and Me

5 years ago today I married my best friend. Happy Anniversary honey, I love you more than I can express.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's been forever! We're settled into Rexburg now and doing well. I recieved my midterm grades and have proven that I'm the best student I've ever been. Took me long enough!

"Them" have their own blog now! Heavens, they grow up so fast. If you wanna follow what B&B have to say check them out at

Life is good. Our 5 year anniversary is this Friday. We're seeing Extravadance and then going out to dinner. We decided not to get eachother gifts this year because we're going to Hawaii after Thanksgiving. I guess Hawaii is a big enough gift. LOL.

Saturday is my 26th birthday! WOOHOO. I'm rapidly approaching 30. I guess I'll just have to be thirty, flirty, and thriving. I have a big day planned, starting with a trip to the salon to get my hair colored and maybe a facial and some waxing. In the evening we're going out with a big group of friends to Gringos Mexican Restaurant (cause it's time to splurge on some major yummy calories) and then bowling at Fat Cats. Bryce has something up his sleeve... he keeps trying to convince me to have my gift early. I refuse because I want something to open on my birthday. He's trying to be sneaky but I think I've figured out what he's bought me. I predict *ahem* that he has purchased me a work-out machine of some sort. He says I'm wrong... but that could easily be a ploy to sway me. Not budging. We'll just have to wait until Saturday to see.

Bryce's application for BYU-I is finally in! Took us long enough! There were some hold-ups with OSU sending his transcript over but we got everything squared away and now we're just waiting. I'm sure it's an "accepted" letter because he has a better GPA than I, but that doesn't make the waiting less nerve-racking.

One of my classes is Family History... Who know doing family history research could be so addicting? I can easily spend HOURS on campus researching my relatives. I hear people say all the time that they don't need to do their genealogy because their parents or grandparents have done it... This is so freaking wrong. It is never done! Is it on Has their temple work been done? Do you know every detail about them? Are you relying on someone else? When in the scriptures does it say to rely on someone else to do the work for you? Exactly. I want to encourage anyone who reads this to do their own family history; whether it's going through the temple for family, putting the family's genealogy on the church's website, finding pictures, etc. It can be done and needs to be done. Your family is waiting for you to get off your butt and help them obtain the blessings you already have. SO DO IT.

LOL! Was that too harsh? I hope so... The Holy Ghost is soft spoken and easily overlooked. So I'm helping him out.

I've got a lot of work to do before the Thanksgiving break and our trip to Hawaii... but all the hard work will make Hawaii that much more rewarding.

Also, on an exciting note, I'm an aunt again. Carson William Smith was born on November 1st, 2010. Christi and Jeff are so excited to have him and I'm sure Britain will be a great older brother. But it will be hard on him, I'm sure.

Off to class. Time to learn about Eternal Marriage. This week's topic: Finances. STAYING OUT OF DEBT. I love these lessons!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Him and Me

We just got back from our ward's Halloween party! I went as a witch (my costume never changes from year-to-year) and Bryce went as his cute self.

There was a photo area at the party so once I get my hands on that picture that was taken of us I'll post it.

Time to study for an accounting test tomorrow.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Him, Me, and Them


We're in Rexburg. Been here since Sept. 4th. So nice to be a student again. I am way more dedicated to completing my education this time around... like I grew up or something.

I also love our new ward. I've made so many new friends in the 2 weeks we've been here and I'm loving to know girls that get me and not thinking I'm some freak.

Cleansing party with the girls is in tomorrows future! LOL!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Him, Me, and Them

We are alive, I promise. Updates coming soon... sorry for the delay!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hooray for sales!

2 new bras are headed my way, and cheaper than buying one bra at full price, with shipping included. If life was a MasterCard commercial, this would say "Priceless".

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Me for Them

I'm in love with the new Disney Pook-a-Looz! I want them all! I know this will sound insane (but what do I do that most consider normal) but I want them for Bandit and Banjo. They don't have hard plastic eyes, are adorable, and perfect size for them. I feel like I would happily get ride of almost all of their toys if I could just have one of each Pook-a-Looz.

I definitely need the Alice in Wonderland characters. I think Bandit and Banjo need the Toy Story characters.


So, I haven't talked about it much but wanted you who do read this to know that I've lost 8.4lbs in the last 2 weeks. I have 41.6lbs left to lose before I reach my goal... but it wouldn't be a goal without an obtainable achievement.

I can do it. I will do it.

Kicking my @$$, 1 day at a time.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


My IT guy at work posted this on his facebook page and it cracked me up so I had to share it with you.

It's a note he left his neighbors.

And their response the next day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Him, Me, and Them

We decided to do a much needed family trip to the coast on Sunday. The sun did not show its shiny head, but neither did the rain clouds so overall it was a pleasant day on the Oregon coast.

We visited Fogarty Creek between Newport and Lincoln City. Bryce loves this little area and it's perfect for pet-lovers because it is a cove and doesn't continue on for forever so the kids are somewhat contained.

The kids panted the entire trip there and whined whenever traffic slowed down, anticipating to jump out of the car at any moment for some fun.

There were a lot of other kids at the beach four ours to play with. And surprisingly, most of them came in pairs as well. We met some Boston Terriers, long-haired Dachshunds, Collies, a German Shepherd, and a chocolate Lab.

Boys being boys, Bryce decided to climb the huge rock on the shoreline. I watched.

The cove contains a creek, hence the name Fogarty Creek, that divides the are into two. We decided to cross so Bryce could climb the rocks. We found the shallowest area and started to cross. Banjo bounced across like it was the best day of his life. Bandit, on the other hand, needed to be dragged. Each step his paws spread into little webbed feet and he delicately brushed the top of the water. He finally made a few steps into the cold water, only because I was waiting on the other side. He made it about half way, found a rock that wasn't completely covered with water, and stood there. Bandit had no intention of moving another step until I came to his rescue and picked him up. Me, being myself, did not want to get dirty... even at the coast. So he waited. And waited. Finally, when it seemed like I had no other choice but to carry my little man the rest of the way.. Banjo to the rescue! He must have sensed poor little Bandit's fear because he went back into the creek, rallied up Bandit, and together they made it to the other side of the creek. Bandit and Banjo bounded with joy through the sand.

After sniffing their new friends butts to the point of annoyance, we decided it was time to eat and head home. The car ride was silent compared to the ride up. Sleeping pugs are one of my most favorite sights, but give me two snoring pugs in the back seat and I'm in puggy heaven.

When we got back from the coast it was time to do some housework. The Harmons were in town and we had to have them over for dinner. It was great to see them and Zoey and Ben are so big now! Zoey, who usually loves Bryce, was totally into me this time around. I had to help her wash her hands after each bathroom visit (there were many due to the amount of water the guys gave her), sit next to her during Toy Story and A Bugs Life, and read her the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I love their little kids and hope that if we have human kids one day that they are as equally cute as the Harmon kids.

Monday morning Elaine and I got up and did some serious shopping. Ten hours of shopping to be exact. Riley came with us and despite being in a car seat or a stroller all day, she was wonderful. That girl is a shopaholic in the making.

Fist stop: Nordstrom. Elaine and I enjoyed the shoe department, tried on at least six pairs each and walked away empty handed. Nothing was jumping out at us. Then up to the kids shoe department. Jackpot. Riley was the proud owner of adorable pink sparkle Stride Rite shoes. Then we cruised the mall where we hit the jackpot at Forever 21. Forty dollars later, I have some new bling to sport around the office and at Keith's engagement cocktail party this weekend. We also spotted some adorable clothes for Miss Riley and bought her a pair of cute sunglasses at Baby Gap. Much to our dismay and hopeless search parties, both the glasses and one of the pink sparkle shoes went missing. Miss Riley must have set them somewhere because neither of us noticed anything fall from the stroller, nor heard it either. She's a crafty little one. We retraced our steps a few times (thank goodness I chose not to wear heals that day!) and turned in a lost item report to the customer service desk. Hopefully something will come up, but we're worried they're gone for good.

Dinner/late lunch was spent at The Cheesecake Factory, which miss E had never eaten at. Great food, great friends, and great cheesecake.

All and all, I had my much needed retail therapy and plenty of rest to return to work today after last weeks nightmare of hell set loose upon my office.

Thanks to everyone who made my Memorial Day weekend such a blast.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


SOLD! To Billy Vandergaw for $100.00.